Thursday, May 7, 2015

Basic Dog Training Tips For Taming Your Dog

Basic Dog Training Tips For Taming Your Dog

Every dog owner should know some basic methods of dog training, it will greatly help you in daily life using a variety of basic techniques to tame, and develop good behavior in your dog. In order to obtain the desired results.

Difficulty of the command

Do not directly teach the difficult commands, start with the easiest command, and then gradually to more difficult level, so the dog will be easier to learn.

12 basic important commands of dog training to learn every dog owner
  • Come
  • Sit
  • Stay
  • Wait
  • Down
  • Stand
  • Okay
  • No
  • Off
  • Leave It
  • Drop It
  • Heel

Consistency of the commands

The basic method of dog training can be taught efficiently and effectively by repeating the same command, indicating the desired action, improving good behafior and keep your dog's attention. You have to do it repeatedly, including while playing with your dog. You must use a eagar tone to encourage good behavior and firm voice for wrong behavior.

Timing Your Dog Training

Dogs respond well to short and sharp command so training time should be short, intense and interesting, so you do not lose the attention, interest, and responsiveness from your dog.

Praise And Rewarding Your Dog

Always praise and reward your dog when he responds to your commands. Rewards can be play time or food so the learning process will gradually increase.

Avoid giving in to your pet every desire. 

Prioritizing discipline, and then affection. Never give prize just because your dog shows a sad or funny face, but when he was doing the right behavior. Once your dog to learn commands and hand signals, start one of the lowest prize.


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